The Method Creates Interest Around The World
First book describing Kids'Skills was published in Finnish in 2003. It was promptly translated into English and published in Australia entitled Kids'Skills: playful and practical solution-finding with children. That book, or other books about the method, have since been published in well over a dozen countries including Germany, Russia, Japan and China.

More recently, training in Kids'Skills has been made available internationally. There are currently a number of certified organisations offering training for professionals to become what we call Kids'Skills Ambassadors.

Kids'Skills in China

In China there is a growing interest in educational and parenting methods. Ben teaches regularly in China giving lectures to both professionals and parents.

In China Kids'Skills Works Well For Groups
Statistical evidence about the effectiveness Kids'Skills is scarce but, instead, there are endless reports from all around the world describing how Kids'Skills has been used successfully with individual children or groups of children. The method appears to work wonders when used by people who subscribe to its underlying principles of respect and cooperation.