Transform Children’s
Behavioral Challenges
A Truly One-Of-A-Kind Approach
This approach is designed for:
- professionals in the field of childcare and education: teachers, kindergarten teachers, special education teachers, counsellors, headmasters, therapists, students etc.
- parents who are interested in creative parenting
Whether you're a parent or a teacher, dealing with kids' problems can be tough.
Educators face growing classroom sizes and increasing behavioral and emotional challenges among students, overwhelmed by new technologies and bullying.
Parents, on the other hand, juggle the daily commute and numerous responsibilities, often burdened by guilt about not doing enough for their children.
This approach is created to handle most problems, encourage children to take responsibility for their actions, and make their entire community stronger.

Solve Problems with Ease
With it, you can address:
- Behavioral issues like tantrums and dishonesty
- Emotional struggles such as anxiety and low self-esteem
- Excessive screen time and technology usage
- School difficulties
- Peer pressure and bullying
- Challenges with sleeping
- Eating problems
No more stress. Give children the tools they need.
Before diving into the details, let's meet Dr. Ben Furman.

Introducing Dr. Ben Furman
Dr. Ben Furman is an expert in child psychology and helping children and families. He's written multiple books and even hosted radio and TV shows.
He had a new idea because he was tired of the old ways of dealing with kids' problems. Instead of always trying to understand why children misbehave, he thought, "What if we teach kids new skills to solve their problems?"
That's when he came up with the Kids'Skills method—a new way to help kids by teaching them useful skills to overcome their challenges.

The Kids’Skills Method
Kids’Skills is a practical educational method to help children overcome behavioral and emotional difficulties. The tool consists of 15 easy steps and it is founded on the principles of solution-focused psychology.
- Kids'Skills is a global sensation, used in 30+ countries.
- Books about it have been translated into 25+ languages.
- 10,000s worldwide are using Kids'Skills today.
- Studies confirm its effectiveness.
- Schools use it and see great results.
Listen to what educators have to say about the Kids'Skills method in the video below.
In the video below, children from all over the world share their new skills.

Thoroughly Studied
Please type "Kids'Skills method" into Google Scholar, and you'll find many results showcasing the research that demonstrates its value as a beneficial tool for both parents and teachers.

Kids'Skills for Professionals 3 cr
Are you a professional in the field of childcare and education? Are you facing challenges with students' behavior, limited resources, and new technology? Join a growing movement of educators working to transform our workplaces into safe and supportive spaces. Together, we can make a difference for both teachers and students.
This course is for
- teachers
- kindergarten teachers
- special education teachers
- counsellors
- headmasters
- therapists
- students

Kids'Skills for Parents
Parenthood can be overwhelming, but you're not alone in this tough journey! The daily grind can be exhausting, and the guilt of not doing enough is common. Are your kids dealing with challenges like behavior issues or emotional ups and downs? Don't worry, Kids'Skills is here to help.
Join a growing parent community that has found an easy way to handle these issues. It's important to fix kids' problems early so they don't become bigger challenges that affect their future. Together, we'll help our kids thrive!
This course is for
- parents
- grandparents
- anyone who participates in raising children

Free Course: How to Get Children to Listen
Subscribe to receive weekly tips on solution-focused techniques for dealing with children, and as a bonus, you'll get full access to the free course "How To Get Children To Listen."
With this complimentary course you will learn
- how to get children to listen
- how to get children to do what we instruct
- how to tell the child they are doing wrong
- how to talk to kids about their problems
© Oppimaa Ltd & Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute Ltd
Contact: Helena Lehtimäki, Headmaster of Kids'Skills Academy, Helsinki, Finland helena.lehtimaki at oppimaa.fi